Web-based learning for Creative and Talented Students

Webcats Educational Services ABN: 29 810 591 261
WebCats programs are designed to meet the needs of gifted children in Australian primary schools. Delivery via the web enables students to be grouped with their peers to complete differentiated learning projects in a range of disciplines.
WebCats works closely with participating schools to develop and deliver educational projects that are tailored to the specific needs and interests of students.
All WebCats educators are highly qualified and experienced practitioners whose aim is to engage and challenge each learner to do his or her best. Students may be enrolled in a single project or a few different projects simultaneously.
Educational units are offered within the broad disciplines of English, Science, Mathematics, Art and History and may include special interest topics such as space science, poetry, animation, digital storytelling, logic problem solving, sustainability, children's classics, mythology, ecology and creative writing.
All WebCats projects are multi-disciplinary and involve both right-brain and left-brain thought processes. This balanced approach fosters development of each child in the artistic as well as the academic domains. The program's structure is influenced by the wisdom of leading educational theorists such as Gagne', Williams, Gardener, Wiggins and McTighe. The result is a three-dimensional teaching and learning framework that caters for a diverse range of learning styles, interests and talents.
Students involved in meaningful and authentic tasks pitched at the right level of challenge demonstrate a deeper understanding of their subject and exhibit greater willingness to participate in educational activities.

Student Enrolment
Students enter the WebCats program via invitation or nomination by their teacher or school principal. Selection criteria looks at the academic and creative aptitude of prospective participants. Motivation and commitment are key to a student's performance in the program.
School Programs
The following programs are offered in 2019: