Web-based learning for Creative and Talented Students

Webcats Educational Services ABN: 29 810 591 261
Schedule a meeting online
'Create a Picture Book' Program Term 3, 2016
Week 1
Writing Workshops
Group 1: Thursday 21st July at Tathra Public School
9:30am to 2:30pm - meet in the Library
Group 2: Wednesday 20th July at Merimbula Public School
9:30am to 2:30pm
Bring along at least one story idea to develop
Bring a notebook/pad, pens, pencils, morning tea, lunch, water bottle, hat
Also bring any medications - Epipen, inhaler etc if you have them

Week 1
Week 2

Illustration Workshops
Group 1: Thursday 28th July at Tathra Public School
9:30am to 2:30pm - meet in the Library
Group 2: Monday 25th July at Merimbula Public School
9:30am to 2:30pm
Please bring:
Lead pencils, a good sharpener, plastic eraser
Coloured pencils (Derwents or similar if you have), textas
A black Artline or Fineliner pen
Gouache or watercolour block paints (if you have)
Morning tea, lunch, water bottle, hat, medications etc
Week 3

A Week of Firsts
First Drafts
Whatever stage your story is up to, please ask your teacher to upload it or drag it into your story folder in Box.
First Illustrations
Please colour scan your first illustration (at 150dpi) and ask your teacher to upload it or drag it into your pictures folder in Box. Please label it with your name in the margin.
First Webinars - please check your meeting time with your teacher
I am looking forward to our first webinar sessions this week. Please follow the instructions you have in your folder about Adobe Connect webinar meetings.
Set up your computer about 10 minutes before the meeting is due to start.
Go through the checklist to adjust sound, video and audio settings
If asked, click to allow Adobe Connect to install & run the 'add-in' app.
If you can't hear or see what's going on in the meeting room please run through the checklist before calling me for help. Usually it's a simple thing that hasn't been switched on or off.
If your school has limited internet bandwidth it helps if other people aren't transferring large files or watching online videos at the same time.as your Adobe Connect meeting.

Weeks 4 & 5

Fine-Tuning Your Story
Hi there Picture Bookers! By now your first draft should be in the Box and you should have already submitted your revised draft and have had feedback on it. Thanks for all that fantastic effort at such a busy time!
Make sure your final story follows a clear narrative structure. Downlaod this graphic organiser.
Next up, watch the video.
After your story's been fully edited it's time to plan your book layout. Use this Storyboard
to match each part of your text to its page number and draw thumbnail
sketches to map out your illustrations.
When your plan is complete, scan your Storyboard and pop it into the Box, too.
Make time this week to get your first two (2) illustrations finished and put into the Box. Lucy is standing by waiting to give you feedback, help and advice. So far we have not seen many of your pictures so we are hoping to get an AVALANCHE of pictures in the next few days.
You can send an email anytime to Lucy or me at mail@webcats.org.
Weeks 6 & 7
Zoom in on Illustrations

Make your picture planning easy.
Which style is right for your story?
In Weeks 5, 6 or 7 Super Webcat, Lucy, will fly in and visit you at your school to
help you plan and polish up your illlustrations ready for publishing.
Have your storyboard, pictures and art materials ready to go!
Week 8
Where are you up to? Click the flow-chart to download and print it.
Schedule a meeting online
Check your progress today!
By this week most of you will be
up to step 7.
What should be in the Box by now?
Your edited story (& I have added the word 'final' to its name.)
'Final' story with page numbers 1 to 20 for layout
Your finished Storyboard with simple sketches showing page layouts of text and pictures.
Your Picture Planner - a timetable to help you complete all your pictures. Your teacher should have a copy + you should have a copy at home.
All your draft pictures so far, named /numbered
Your draft pictures with Lucy's feedback comments
All Your edited pictures - scanned & uploaded again.
Once each picture is 'final' it will be put into your Picture Book ready for publishing.
Only teachers can access Box at school and upload documents for students
Students can access Box from home & download files. After editing, save the file to your thumb-drive or email it.
OK to use Google Drive or Google Docs as well.
Week 9
Your 'Edited' Pictures Folder in Box
You now have a new folder called 'Pictures_Edited'
All your edited pictures will be stored there.
Read Lucy's feedback for each picture.
Make the suggested changes, scan the picture and save on your USB drive
Re-name the new picture: 'Yourname_p1_edited'
Email it to Judith OR ask your teacher to put it into the Pictures_Edited folder in Box.
Judith will put the edited pictures into your book as placeholders, so you can see how it will look.
Lucy's Art Pointers
Don't forget to:
draw a line for your page size and label with page number
match the picture to the text (+ added details)
use the same style all the way through
use only 1-2 media for each picture and use the same all the way through
Possible combinations:
Wash with pencil over
Solid paint and pencil
Wash with solid paint over
Solid paint
Finally, use an outline (pencil or felt tip pen) where necessary to help the drawings stand out.
Finish every drawing to the highest quality, ready for printing.


Week 10